Persons with aphasia and their families need education, support, and resources to live a fulfilled life with chronic aphasia. The autonomy and inspiration that comes with private practice enable me to improve and enhance my skills, and abilities, question traditional methods, and strive for greater achievements to assist families living with chronic aphasia to achieve more.
LIFE's Mission is to Help You Live Your Best LIFE
A job is a position where you complete certain tasks for an agreed-upon compensation. A job is defined by characteristics that you would prefer.
A chosen field because you are inspired and want to accomplish what you can. A series of related work experiences you gain in your professional life, often leading to a particular goal.
A calling is a passion, an internal drive to complete an activity or accomplish a particular goal. A calling can bring emotional fulfillment. A calling can also be defined as persuing a cause that is important to you whether it is helping others or then environment, for example.
We provide comprehensive therapy to stroke survivors, catering to their unique needs. Our approach is inclusive and persistent, helping patients and their families overcome aphasia and achieve their goals. Our therapy for stroke survivors is unparalleled in its comprehensiveness and effectiveness. We take a personalized approach that addresses all of our patients' unique needs, guiding them and their families through the challenges of overcoming aphasia and achieving their goals.
・Standardized, dynamic, and person-centered assessment
・Functional goals that promote life participation
・Innovative, out-of-the-therapy-box, evidence-based treatment
・Medicare B provider
・Out-of-Network insurance provider
・Client-directed topics + tasks
・Personalized hobbies and projects
・Brain-health program
・Socialization opportunity groups
・Book club
・Movie club
On-Demand Course
・Unlocking Aphasia
・Listen for LIFE Aphasia Podcast
・Communication Coaching
・The Transformation Experience Community (Coming Soon)
Our belief in the infinite possibilities of rebuilding a life you love from aphasia drives our devotion and determination to provide unconventional treatments to help you achieve your goals.