Transcortical Motor Aphasia

Your halting and laborious speech brought by Transcortical Motor Aphasia now has a light of hope.

Transcortical Motor Aphasia

In a condition described as transcortical motor aphasia (TMA), trauma to the frontal region of the brain hinders communication.   People suffering from TMA, however, retain the ability to comprehend both written and spoken languages, unlike individuals who experience different types of aphasia. TMA patients may have difficulty expressing themselves, often not succeeding to find the correct words. They are likely able to speak individual phrases, but they might not be able to weave them together in a cohesive statement.     

Transcortical Motor Aphasia

Visible Signs

Frequent Hesitation & Pauses

Problem Finding Words

Speaks With No Prepositions

Difficulty Writing 

Possible Origin & Cause

Brain Trauma

Brain Infection


Progressive Neurological Condition

LIFE Speech Pathology

We tailor treatment, recovery, and care based on your needs.

Possible Origin & Cause




Traumatic Brain Injury


Brain Tumor


Progressive Neurological Condition

Transcortical Motor Aphasia Treatment

Speech-Language Pathologist

Cases like any other types of aphasia, Transcortical Motor Aphasia equates to a medical condition that requires interventions and evaluation from speech-language pathologists. This health care health care provider helps patients recover from TMA by introducing speech therapies that aim to empower neuroplasticity.

Neuroplasticity is known as the innate power of the brain to build pathways allowing the undamaged portion to take control over areas previously controlled by the damaged ones. The center of this area originally manages the language skills of patients. 

Speech-Language Pathologist
Repetition Exercises

Repetition Exercises

As said above, Transcortical Motor Aphasia patients are in need of speech-pathologists whose therapies lead to rebuilding the neuroplasticity in the brain. A proven method of achieving this end is through repetition exercises. Speech-pathologists that control these therapies will ask patients to repeat a thought or words.

This simulation will help the brain find new pathways to create a new one, further leading to recovery from laborious and halting speech. In turn, this also seems to be relying as well on the healing power of the brain.   

Motor Aphasia Rehabilitation

Over the years, experts in treating aphasia have formulated specific rehabilitation methods for Transcortical Motor Aphasia. One of them is the Promoting Aphasics’ Communicative Effectiveness therapy where patients are exposed to conversation-like simulation where he will be both a listener and speaker.

Another form is called Constraint-Induced Language Therapy where patients will undergo conversation where they will not be allowed to use gestures and only speak their thoughts. Daily practice of this exercise will rebuild the speaking ability of the patients.  

Motor Aphasia Rehabilitation
Partner With LIFE Speech Pathology

Partner With LIFE Speech Pathology

Transcortical Motor Aphasia has been long considered as a rare type of aphasia, this means that confusion with other forms can be a result of lack of evaluation. Here at LIFE Speech Pathology, we commit in evaluating closely the condition of the patient, leading us to formulate or adapt speech therapies that will help their recovery.

Our team works in tailoring the speech therapy that will work on the condition of the client, targeting the fastest yet most efficient route towards healing. Visit us today if you experience the symptoms of Transcortical Motor Aphasia.