Transcortical Sensory Aphasia

Reclaim Auditory Comprehension With Treatment and Therapy For Transcortical Sensory Aphasia

Transcortical Sensory Aphasia

With intact repetition and fluent speech, transcortical sensory aphasia (TSA) is marked by reduced auditory comprehension. TSA differentiates from various receptive aphasias and agnosias, including Wernicke's type of aphasia and pure word deafness, by rarely repeating words. For early speech signal decoding, either repetition and auditory comprehending depend on normal phonological processing.

It is essential for patients to begin speech therapy as soon as feasible since the sooner they begin doing so, the more likely it becomes that they will reclaim their capacity to understand language.

Transcortical Sensory Aphasia

Visible Signs

Difficulty Naming Objects

Uncontrolled Repeating What Others Say

Error Phone Speech

Difficulty Reading Texts

Possible Origin & Cause

Brain Trauma

Brain Infection


Progressive Neurological Condition

LIFE Speech Pathology

We tailor service and care based on your needs.

Possible Origin & Cause


Lesions in the Inferior Left Temporal Lobe


Temporal Lobe Stroke


Watershed Stroke


Stroke Occuring in Carotid Artery

Transcortical Sensory Aphasia Treatment

Transcortical Sensory Aphasia Management

Treatment for Transcortical Sensory Aphasia varies and will depend upon the evaluation of speech pathologists. This treatment comes into therapy techniques that mostly involve the usage of common terms. Also, there are forms in which patients are required to use gestures in expressing thoughts, or exercises in grammar where patients will just use concrete nouns instead of adjectives and adverbs. Meanwhile, the most common yet simplest exercise involves speaking at a slow pace and asking patients to repeat words or motions, all of these are expected to improve the aphasia condition.  

Transcortical Sensory Aphasia Management
Neuroplasticity: Speech Rehabilitation

Neuroplasticity: Speech Rehabilitation

In most treatment plans for rehabilitation, patients of Transcortical Sensory Aphasia rely not only on the therapy but also on the innate recovery power of the brain. Yes, our brain can heal itself, this is called neuroplasticity. Our body utilizes this  capacity when we encounter the causes listed above, the brain we have innately rewire itself by repairing pathways inside it. However, this happens slowly oftentimes, thus, we need a rehabilitation program where our pathologist combines different therapies to force our neuroplasticity to work in a faster manner.   

Speech & Cognitive Applications 

Today when technology advancement has been really extensive, pathologists have found a way in reaching more patients of Transcortical Sensory Aphasia through the use of mobile applications. These apps are called speech and cognitive applications which are indeed accessible on our mobile devices. Inside these new innovations are guides of daily speech therapy for patients of aphasia. And even this easy access, clients are still recommended to reach out to a speech pathologist for accurate guidance on how to use them, and proper diagnosis, determining the exact type of aphasia one is experiencing. 

Speech & Cognitive Applications
Aphasia Treatment At LIFE Speech

Aphasia Treatment At LIFE Speech

Here at LIFE Speech Pathology, we welcome patients or possible patients of Transcortical Sensory Aphasia. With proper handling that puts away discrimination and stigma, you rest assured that the clinic will be your safest place for the condition. Every step will be calculated from diagnosing to building up your therapy plan into a post-recovery route, everything will be holistic. Also, we value support systems, thus if your preference permits, we make sure that your social circle will have a clear understanding of their role in your recovery and fast healing from Transcortical Sensory Aphasia. Visit us today!